Resin Bond Mesh

An Extra Tough



A crystal of irregular shape.  It’s mosaic structure ensures excellent bond retention and it’s controlled micro-fracturing properties have made it the product of choice in most high quality resin and vitrified bonds for the wet & dry grinding of tungsten carbide.  When ordering with 56% nickel, order MRB-Ni56, for 30% order MRB-Ni30 and for copper MRB-Cu50.


An Extra Tough



Engineered for the use in resin bond tools, this translucent crystal of irregular shape is available to 30% and 56% nickel-coated.  It’s free cutting properties facilitate an excellent G ratio.  Economic pricing makes this the product of choice for cost-effective applications.  When ordering with 56% nickel, order MRB-Ni56, for 30% order MRB-Ni30.


The specific friability and semi-blocky shape offers consistent performance by ensuring a constant supply of new cutting surfaces. All sizes can be nickel coated Ni 56% or Ni 30%.
